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For Immediate Release: 6/3/22 
Contact: Office of Media Relations and Communications | (518) 471-5300 | 


I-90 Bridge Over Millers Grove Road in the Town of Schuyler Will Be Replaced with New Structure

Westbound Traffic Shifted to Eastbound Bridge

Project Includes Increased Vertical Clearance and Other Safety Upgrades

The New York State Thruway Authority today announced the start of a $5.9 million bridge replacement project on I-90 in Herkimer County. The existing bridge over Millers Grove Road (County Road 53) at milepost 225.48 and 225.49 in the Town of Schuyler will be replaced with a modern structure. The current bridge was built in 1952.

“The Thruway Authority is committed to investing in aging infrastructure and maintaining a safe and reliable superhighway,” Thruway Authority Executive Director Matthew J. Driscoll said. “This project will improve travel for the 23,000 travelers who use the bridge every day.”

Beginning today, all traffic will be shifted onto the eastbound bridge for work on the westbound bridge. There will be alternating one-way traffic on Millers Grove Road controlled by a temporary traffic light.

When the new westbound bridge is complete in fall 2022, westbound traffic will be shifted onto the new span before winter.

Work will resume in spring 2023 with work on the eastbound span. The project is scheduled to be complete in fall 2023.

The project also includes full depth reconstruction with a profile adjustment of Millers Grove Road beneath I-90 to raise the vertical clearance from 14’3 ½” to 14’6”. Additionally, new asphalt will be installed on I-90 in both directions on the approaches to the bridge.

Safety upgrades will also be made, such as new signage, reflective line striping for enhanced safety and the installation of new guiderail.

Bette & Cring LLC of Latham, NY is the contractor for the project. 

Variable Message Signs have been illuminated to advise motorists of the construction. The work is weather dependent and subject to change.

Motorists may encounter lane closures on the Thruway along with traffic shifts and stoppages. 

In New York State, fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone. In accordance with the Work Zone Safety Act of 2005, convictions of two or more speeding violations in a work zone could result in the suspension of an individual's driver license.  

Travelers can download the Thruway Authority’s free mobile-app and sign up for TRANSalerts for real-traffic information.  


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