Language Assistance
Executive Law 202-A directs executive state agencies that provide direct public services to offer language assistance services (translation and interpretation) to people of Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
Each agency provides interpretation services between the agency and an individual in his or her primary language with respect to the provision of services or benefits.
Each agency also provides translation services in the twelve most common non-English languages spoken by LEP individuals in the State of New York, based on the United States census data and relevant to services offered by each of such agencies. At the moment, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Yiddish, Bengali, Korean, Haitian Creole, Italian, Arabic, French, Urdu and Polish are the top twelve languages.
- Language Access Plan For Limited English Proficiency Individuals
- Right to File a Complaint
- Language Access Waiver of Rights to Free Interpretation Services
Facilities Accessibility
The Thruway Authority is committed to ensuring that all of its public facilities along the Thruway System are accessible to and usable by motorists of all abilities and meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, New York State Human Rights Law and the New York State Building Code.
Wheelchairs and Electric personal assistive mobility devices, as defined in New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 114-d, may be used at Thruway facilities open to the public for pedestrian use. A reasonable accommodation request may be submitted for other powered mobility devices used by an individual with a disability. Reasonable accommodation consideration will be based on factors including but not limited to safety hazard to the user or other motorists and/or impact on the environment.
The use of a service animal by an individual with a disability is welcome at Thruway facilities wherever the general public is permitted provided the service animal is under its handler’s control at all times and does not pose a danger to the public.
For questions on the use of service animals and/or personal assistive mobility devices and to submit a reasonable accommodation request, or for general questions, suggestions or comments about accessibility along the New York State Thruway, please contact the Thruway Authority via email at or call the Thruway Authority’s Equal Opportunities Unit and diversity Development at (518) 471-4321 or (800) 253-6244 (hearing impaired use NY Relay Service 711).
- Notice Under The Americans With Disabilities Act (TAP-124)
- Grievance Procedure Under The Americans With Disabilities Act (TAP-125)
- Americans With Disabilities Act Complaint (TA-W1003)
- Reasonable Accommodation in State Programs and Services - Contact Information
Web Accessibility
The New York State Thruway Authority makes our website accessible for users with disabilities. This website follows NYS Policy NYS-P08-005 Accessibility of Web Based Information. New York State Policy NYS P08-005 establishes minimum accessibility requirements for web-based Information and applications developed, procured, maintained or used by state entities. The goal of the policy is to encourage a more inclusive state workforce and increase the availability of governmental services to all members of the public.
If you experience any accessibility problems or have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of any part of this website, please use our online contact form to send an email to our Webmaster or contact our Office of Public Affairs at (518) 436-2983.
Documents in Other Formats
Whenever possible we offer web pages in HTML format. Often a document is posted on a page in multiple formats, such as HTML, PDF, RTF, Word, Powerpoint, or Excel.
If your browser or assistive technology requires a document in a different file format than we currently provide you can request it from us and we will try to accommodate you.
Free viewers are available for many of the file types we use. If you are having trouble viewing any of the above file types you may need to install additional software:
- For Adobe PDF files you can download Adobe Reader
from Adobe Systems.
- If you do not have Microsoft Office, users of Microsoft Windows can download viewers for the various Office file formats.
Web Usability
This website was designed for and looks best in a newer standards-compliant browser. All pages on this site validate as HTML 5.0.
This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) for visual layout. If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all the content of each page is still readable.
All pages on this site define the following access keys:
- Access Key c - Skip main navigation and go directly to the main content
- Access key n - Go to the main navigation
For IE/Windows, press ALT + accesskey
, for Firefox/Windows, press ALT + Shift + accesskey
. On Macintosh, press Control + accesskey